Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera...
Dah lama saya tidak menulis..lately saya banyak copy dan paste artikel sahaja hihihihi..agak susah untuk menulis sebab ada macam-macam urusan dunia yang tak sudah-sudah..
Saya berniat nak menulis sedikit tentang persembahan Powerpoint (PPT.). Saya bukanlah hebat sangat tetapi sekadar berkongsi pandangan berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya lalui...kalau salah tolong betulkan dan tambah baik..sebab ramai yang tahu tentang PPT. nih...
PPT. penting untuk menyampaikan maklumat-maklumat penting terutama bagi pelajar, murid, guru, pensyarah, pegawai KPM, individu korporat dan sesiapa sahaja. Ia dimanafaatkan semasa sesi pembentangan seperti kuliah, taklimat, kolokium, seminar, viva dan sebagainya.
Semasa saya membuat Master di Unimas dahulu, para pensyarah menasihatkan saya persembahan PPT. yang sebaiknya dapat menyampaikan isi yang padat dan tepat dalam tempoh 10 hingga 15 minit. Setiap kali sesi kolokium berlangsung kami akan diminta menyediakan 15 slaid sahaja. Seorang doktor pernah berkata, pembentangan PPT. sepatutnya menyampaikan "....point yang power...", agak lama juga saya memikir dan mempraktikkan kata-kata beliau.
Bagi pandangan saya sebelum memulakan persembahan PPT. adalah menjadi satu keperluan mengenalpasti tujuan ia disediakan. Sebab PPT. disediakan atas tujuan berkaitan akademik, perniagaan, hiburan dan sebagainya. Dalam penulisan ini saya sekadar menyentuh tentang akademik, sebab itu bidang saya.
Adalah menjadi satu yang sangat rutin bagi seorang pelajar bersedia untuk membuat pembentangan PPT. tetapi adakala persembahan yang dibuat menjadi jerat memakan diri. Kenapa saya kata begitu? apa tidaknya jika sekadar copy dan paste atau sekadar menaip menkhinzirbuta (membabibuta).
Apakah kesalahan yang sering dilakukan?
- Telah dinyatakan di atas pelajar sekadar copy dan paste dari internet atau sekadar menaip sahaja...ini keje gila hihihih seeloknya carilah kata kunci dan meringkas ayat/teks seboleh-bolehnya, sesuai dengan nama POWERPOINT tu...pastu taip kata kunci tersebut.
- Dah siap-siap taip,..masa bentang lak spoil..pelajar sekadar baca jek paparan PPT. tanpa ambil tahu apa yang dibaca...hhihihhi tiba-tiba kena soal...mula la huru hara. Sebaiknya, ingat dan hafal apa yang ingin dicakap berdasarkan katakunci atau sediakan kertas kecil sebagai panduan.
- Paparan PPT. juga perlu dirancang misalnya jangan banyak sangat pilihan mukataip, misalnya..slaid 1 guna Arial, slaid 2 guna Times New Roman..slaid 3 Century Gothic..audien pun pening..sebab apa? audien nak tahu mana satu isi utama..sub isi..tajuk, sub tajuk dan macam-macam lagi...2 pilihan mukataip dah cukup banyak..kalau 1 dah cantik sebab dengan bantuan saiz (poin), warna, ruang, rekaletak dsb dapat membantu audien faham.
- Latar PPT. memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menjadikan PPT. tersebut beridentiti dengan konsep tersendiri. Elok le guna satu warna sahaja, misalnya kalau latar putih sangat cantik, nampak formal...mukataip lak ada elemen kontra. Boleh gak warna lain tetapi elemen kontra bagi setiap perkara dalam satu PPT. perlu diberi perhatian. Kalau nak guna gradient pun boleh..nak gunakan gambar berwarna boleh tapi saya nasihatkan bagi oppacity sikit..supaya ia tidak menonjol sangat dan menganggu teks bermaklumat.
- Begitu juga penggunaan transitions, efek dan sebagainya...gunakan secukup rasa..kalau banyak sangat adesssss....ini pembentangan akademik la...bukan Juara Lagu ok.
Ok cukup dulu setakat ini..kat bawah ni saya kepilkan 10 Powerpoint Tips dari internet :
Presentations – whether they are made with Powerpoint or other applications, are a great way to support a speech, visualize complicated concepts or focus attention on a subject.
However, a bad presentation can achieve the opposite. Badly designed slides with too much text or bad graphics can distract or worse, irritate the audience.
Here’s is a short guide that will help you create presentations with a professional look and concise content, avoiding the most common mistakes.
The first thing that gives a professional touch to any presentation is the design.
Presentation Helper has a large selection of free Powerpoint templates for a variety of topics. However, whether you download a free template or create your own, keep the following in mind:
1. Compose Slides

- Don’t copy & paste slides from different sources.
- Keep the design very basic and simple. It shall not distract.
- Pick an easy to read font face.
- Carefully select font sizes for headers and text.
- Leave room for highlights, such as images or take home messages.
- Decorate scarcely but well.
- Restrict the room your design takes up and don’t ever let the design restrict your message.
2. Use Consistency
- Consistently use the same font face and sizes on all slides.
- Match colors.
You may use your company logo, highlight headers, create a special frame for figures/images or the whole slide but don’t overload your slides with these elements.

If you’re unsure which colors match best, use ColorBlender to get a set of up to six matching colors, simply by moving a set of RGB sliders back and forth.
3. Use Contrast
- Black text on a white background will always be the best but also the most boring choice.
- If you want to play with colors, keep it easy on the eyes and always keep good contrast in mind so that your readers do not have to strain to guess what you’ve typed on your slide.
4. Apply Brilliance
- Carefully use color to highlight your message!
- Don’t weaken the color effect by using too many colors at an instance.
- Make a brilliant choice: match colors for design and good contrast to highlight your message.

- Keep It Straight and Simple.
- Keywords only.
- No sentences!
- Never read your slides, talk freely.
Remember that your slides are only there to support, not to replace your talk! You’ll want to tell a story, describe your data or explain circumstances, and only provide keywords through your slides. If you read your slides and if you do it slow and badly, the audience will get bored and stop listening.
6. Take Home Message
- Always express a Take Home Message.
- It’s your message, a summary of your data or story.
- Make it a highlight that stands out.

7. Add Images
- Have more images in your slides than text.
- But do not use images to decorate!
- Images can reinforce or complement your message.
- Use images to visualize and explain.
- A picture can say more than a thousand words.
If you don’t have your own images, you can browse Flickr or Google’s image search for material. If this is a very public and official presentation however, you need to keep copyrights in mind.
In animations, there is a fine line between a comic or professional impression. However, animations can be rather powerful tools to visualize and explain complicated matters. A good animation can not only improve understanding, but can also make the message stick with your audience.
8. Don’t Be Silly
- Use animations and media sparingly.
- Use animations to draw attention, for example to your Take Home Message.
- Use animations to clarify a model or emphasize an effect.

9. Keep Your Audience In Mind
- What do they know?
- What do you need to tell them?
- What do they expect?
- What will be interesting to them?
- What can you teach them?
- What will keep them focused?
- Answer these questions and boil your slides down to the very essentials.
- In your talk, describe the essentials colorfully and choose your weapons i.e. text, images and animations wisely (see above).
If you lose the attention of your audience, everything will be lost — it won’t matter how ingenious your design ÑˆÐ°Ñ or how brilliantly you picked colors and keywords.
10. Practice
A well-prepared and enthusiastic talk will help you convince your audience and maintain their attention. There are some key points that define a good talk.
- Know your slides inside out.
- Speak freely.
- Speak with confidence – loud and clear.
- Don’t speak too fast.
- Maintain eye contact with the audience.
sila kunjungi halaman ini :
stop dulu kalau rajin saya tambah lagi mana-mana yang kurang...saya berharap para pembaca memahami apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai "....point yang power..".
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